Saturday, September 8, 2007


I've got some new things to show you.
The Doctor is in and I've got plenty of knitting going on. Here are a few of my small projects that I am working on this week. I like small projects, they are easy to carry with me because I like to knit everywhere I can and they help me know that, yes, I can FINISH something once in a while....this meaning: the big lace shawl for Claudia is still in progress.


Easy, Easy, Easy and fun for the fingers. This is a scarf knitted in Blue Sky Organic Cotton. I really love it. The yarn is super soft and the pattern came from "One Skein" by Leigh Radford. Great book! She even signed the book for me...because I am the yarn doctor you, or maybe because I bought it?


The next patient on the needles is the scarf I started a couple of posts back. Knitted from the hand spun yarn by Melissa. I have decided this would be a really good item to donate to The Red Scarf Project which is being supported by our LYS Needle Nook.



This is the beginning of an aran knit purse. I picked up the pattern at Micheals Craft Store where I teach knitting. The pattern is by Patons and they actually have another free pattern posted online that is not exactly the same as this purse, but just really nice as well. You will have to sign up on the web site to get the pattern. Patons has really come up with some great new patterns this year. The Yarn Doctor recommends you check them out.


This is going to be an ankle sock. The first of a pair of identical twins I will be delivering. The due date is in another week or so. I will be sending the newborns to my niece Lianna at college to keep her feet warm this semester. I thought they had a fall kind of feel to them. Lianna if you read this, pretend you didn't. It is supposed to be a surprise ok?


Tuesday, September 4, 2007



This is the completed afghan that took around 3 months for the doctor to complete.

It was quite an undertaking and required surgery several times until I was finally able to release the patient to it's current owner.


Here is a close up of the work. The afghan was knitted in 7 panels. The argyle panels were intarsia and then completed with duplicate stitch chevrolet blue. Mistakes were made, and removing duplicate stitch was no fun, and actually resembled ER surgery. Once the panels were all completed they were stitched together with a steady hand and then blocked and fringed.

That's all for today. The Doctor has many new patients on the needles and will update the blog later in the week. Knit on.....